Nanabees Presents Poetry
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Sometimes life kicks us in the rear
Just when we think the top is near
Back to the bottom once again we go
But we'll try it again-dontcha know
On to the next opportunity to take a chance
We can show it all in one revealing glance
We grab at what we want so bad
Go for it! Or wonder what we coulda had
Startine over after a discouraging fall
Is not impossible for a player at all
We always manage to endure
Our life goes on-that's for sure
We are players and that is why
We can't be stopped-don't even try
We enjoy all that life will allow
We laugh, we love, and we even know how
To make others happy and help them see
That we are special and glad to be
Wherever life tosses us throughout our trip
We don't tarry long, lest we miss our ship
The ship of life, love, and happiness
We're a little like you, without the stress

©Copyright 1997-2002 Wendy R. Mitchell